Taste our newest, mouth watering, chilli-lime salted caramel offerings!
Taste our newest, mouth watering, chilli-lime salted caramel offerings!
From a turn-of-the-century recipe: buttery, smooth and oh so good!
Our traditional, soft, organic caramels are individually wrapped for sharing, as a gift, or to hide away for just yourself.
From a turn-of-the-century recipe: buttery, smooth with a varietal of salted options to make your mouth water!
Our traditional, soft, organic caramels with Sel d'Mer.
Our Gunpowder salted caramel is both a treat for the eyes as well as the palette. Our rare, black Kilauea salt offers a delicate contrast to the stronger Sel d'Mer. This one is for our more discerning patrons.
Coated in our chili, sea salt, & lime spice, this will definitely make your make your mouth water when combined with the buttery sweet caramel beneath it. Sita's favorite, but if you like more "kick", get the Chupacabra!
Like the mythical mini-vampire of Mexican legend, this one's got a little bite. Coated in an extra layer of our (chili, sea salt, & lime) spice, this will definitely make your mouth water when combined with the buttery sweet caramel beneath it.
Our Himalayan salted caramel is a variation that adds a unique salty quality that blends nicely with the sweet caramel. Our pink Himalayan salt offers a crunchy yet delicate salt flavor compared to the Sel d'Mer.
Our traditional Caramels with a fun, tasty twist - give them a try!
Take our traditional, smooth caramels and add a dash of citrus to combine into a mouth-watering experience. Our Sweet-n-Sour Caramels are a delight!
For those that crave a face-puckering experience! We take our traditional, smooth caramels and cover it with the tart of citrus for a truly mouth-watering experience. Our Super Sweet-n-Sour Caramels start with a sour-blast and end with the calm of sweetness!
Limited varietals and *Seasonal* items when brought back by popular demand!
These sweet and tangy berries can be a new tradition, along with Turkey, in a sandwich, on ice cream, or just by themselves - enjoy!
Drizzle over ice cream or coffee, dip apples, bananas, or anything in it!
Smooth and buttery caramel is perfect for dipping, as a topping, or just grab a spoonful.
Our signature caramel sauce with Sel d'Mer for a sweet & savory taste.
All products made with all natural, organic ingredients. Gluten and nut free.
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